Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Haves and Haves Not

Millions of people in the United States do not have health insurance. Others have inadequate or limited plans. How is it that the citizens of the land of plenty and opportunity can be happy with the fact that almost fifty million people are at risk? There are many reasons ranging from economic to a belief culture of it-won't -happen-to-me to lack of availability. I think that change is hard. But not changing has more consequences.

Some cannot afford to pay while others had insurance and lost their jobs and the insurance that was provided with it. Some employers do not offer health insurance benefits and self-employed or entrepreneurs may find themselves priced out of the market.

Some people cannot envision a time or an incident that might result in illness or disability. They can afford it but do not bother to enroll or may miss payments.

Some cannot find insurance at any cost due to pre-existing conditions.

If you don't have insurance do you sweat it or do you just figure that there's always the ER. I mean....... this is America...... they won't turn me down.....

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